User Interviews

For the primary research, I started by talking to someone close to me without any script. I just went with the flow to understand what questions naturally popped up when talking about gifting and the gifting experience using Apps / Websites. I could do this because it was someone close to me, and they were willing to spare more time.

With that, I would have a better idea of what questions to ask and how to structure them. Here is how the conversation flowed:

Hi XYZ, how are you today?

The reason for meeting today is to understand better how people go about buying gifts.

Are you comfortable answering a few questions regarding your thoughts and experience around gifting?

I want to let you know beforehand that our conversation will be recorded. This is so that I can go back and listen to it if I missed something. Is that ok with you?

Please don't hesitate to give negative feedback/review about anything we discuss today.

Question non-leading ? open ended?
How do you feel about buying gifts? yes yes
How often do you buy gifts for (friends/family)? yes yes
Can you recall a time when you had to shop for a gift? — when was this? yes yes
Do you remember why you bought this gift? yes yes
Where did you go to look for gifts at the time? yes yes
Why did you go there?
How was your experience? Did you find a gift to buy there?
— (yes)
— (no) What did you do next? REPEAT this section till you reach the store that they bought the gift from yes yes
What, if any improvements would you suggest? yes yes
(If prev was offline)
Have you tried any online stores to buy gifts?
— Can you tell me more about it? yes yes
What gift did you buy? yes yes
Why did you choose that gift? yes yes
When did you shop for the gift relative to the event date? yes yes
Based on user’s experience, we can ask them:
How would your experience change if your friend had published a wishlist? yes yes
Have you used any e-commerce wishlists? yes yes
Would you publish a public wishlist?
— why/ why not? yes yes
How would you feel if a friend gifts you something you didn't need? yes yes
Would you ever buy a gift after the event?
— why/ why not? yes yes

Insights from the User Interviews