Had these wireframes prepared as clickable prototypes.



I interviewed 3 people for this app design. I discussed credit cards, then presented the clickable wireframe prototype and the unmoderated prompts. I asked the participants to think aloud as they went through the flow.

Preparation - We keep this handy to perform the study

Intro: • Before we begin, do I have your consent to take both audio and video recordings of this interview? • I want you to know that this isn’t a test. There is no “right” answer, and none of your responses will be considered wrong. • If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. • This data is being collected to help improve a credit application app. Your answers will help us make the app easier for people to use

Basic questions: • What kind of city or town do you live in? • Do you know about credit cards? • Do you use a bank account? • Do you have any credit cards currently? • Do you think of credit cards in a positive or negative light? • Do you know the advantages of building a credit history? • Do you know of any ways to build a credit history? • How would you go about getting a credit card if you wanted one?

Great! If you’re ready, let’s move on to the tasks you’ll be working on. • Prompt 1: Try getting your first credit card through this app. • Prompt 1 follow-up: How easy or difficult was this task to complete? Is there anything you would change about the process of getting your credit card? • Prompt 2: Check your credit score and figure out how to improve it. • Prompt 2 follow-ups: Did you get confused at any step of the process? • Prompt 3: Can you get another credit card? • Prompt 3 follow-ups: Did you get confused at any step of the process? • Prompt 4: How did you feel about this credit app overall? What did you like and dislike about it?